Digital Finance Transformation Talent Guide | SystemsAccountants

The Digital Finance
Transformation Talent Guide

Successful digital finance transformations hinge on having the right people in place at every stage of the journey — assembling an expert team should be a priority for results-driven Finance and IT leaders.

The number 1 challenge is finding talent


of organisations say expertise and skills gap are the top barriers to success.

Specialist talent and experience are critical to delivery.

6 key digital finance transformation skills

Leadership across Finance & IT

CFO and CIO working in unison can bridge transformation knowledge gaps with powerful partnership that delivers better outcome through shared experiences.

Highly skilled Finance/IT hybrid professionals are valuable when it comes to tranformation.


Lack of executive buy-in when budgeting, or misaligned budget expectations, are major roadblocks for transformative investment.

Good communicators educate boards and the wider company on the necessity for change, boosting decision-making across teams and departments.

Digital literacy

Leaders need a comprehensive understanding of Finance Systems and the ability to evaluate new tools.

In-demand skills include: data analytics, cloud computing, cyber security and automation (AI, data science, machine learning, robotics).

Financial literacy

Accounting credentials and financial literacy are just as important as digital know-how.

Finance and IT hybrid specialists are primed to lead change and run transformed finanace offices.

Young asian business woman working online

Strategic thinking

Professionals who have a far-sighted understanding of the organisation’s goals, cross-functional capabilities and problem solving skills can drive success.

Digital finance transformation reduced one major company’s overall general and administrative costs from 9.8% to 6.4% of revenue, leading to more than $1.5bn in annual savings in one year.

Commitment to people


Training is key—spending less than 13% of your ERP budget on training means you’re three times more likely to fail than if you spend 17% more.

£7,400 per person

is the average cost of a new ERP system implementation.

Transformation demands new roles

Digital finanace transformation have bought new titles and responsibilities to the finance office, with these being the critical roles a CFO should be recruiting for.

Get in touch

To find the right talent for every step of your transformation journey and beyond, get in touch with us today.